About Game
Alice and Eve are members of the Toiyama Adventure Guild, making a living by taking on various commissions. On what seemed like an ordinary day, they returned to the guild after completing a task. Choosing the herb collection as their next commission, the girls prepared to start a new adventure.
During the journey, Alice and Eve discovered a withered haze grass and traced it down to a warehouse in the deep forest. Suspecting that the shady business in the warehouse was behind the haze grass shortage, Alice and Eve decided to investigate, unaware of the dangers lurking within…
Alice和Eve是Toiyama Adventure Guild的成员,靠接受各种委托谋生。
在旅途中,Alice和Eve发现了一株枯萎的Haze grass,并追踪到森林深处的一个仓库。
Alice和Eve怀疑仓库里的黑心生意是导致Haze grass短缺的幕后黑手,她们决定展开调查,却不知道仓库里潜藏着危险…
AliceとEveはToiyama Adventure Guildに所属し、様々な依頼を受けることで生計を立てている。
何気ないある日、二人はクエストを終えてギルドに戻ってきた。 二人は次の仕事として薬草採集を選び、新たな冒険を始めようとしていた。
旅の途中、枯れたHaze grassを見つけたAliceとEveは、それを森の奥にある倉庫に追い詰める。 Haze grass不足の裏に倉庫の怪しいビジネスが絡んでいるのではないかと疑ったAliceとEveは、倉庫に潜む危険も知らずに調査に乗り出すことに…
The gameplay features an innovative fusion between dynamic turn-based combat and tactical grid-based positioning system. Position your characters on the battlefield where the attack range of skills plays a crucial role in your success. Fight your way through damsel-in-distress themed debuffs and take your escape experience to the next level. Learn new magic as the story progresses and open up new chapters of adventure.
Being adopted and brought up by a famous yet mysterious hero, who was the original owner of Thundersplitter and gave it to Alice before passing away. Alice was introduced by her teacher and currently works as an adventurer in Toiyama Adventure Guild, aims to become top rank adventurer in the future.
她被一位著名而神秘的勇者收养并抚养长大,这位勇者是Thundersplitter的原主人,在去世前将Thundersplitter送给了Alice。Alice在老师的引荐下,目前在Toiyama Adventure Guild担任冒险者,未来的目标是成为顶级冒险者。
Thundersplitterの元の持ち主である有名な謎の勇者に養女として育てられ、この勇者が亡くなる前にAliceにThundersplitterを譲り受けた。Aliceは現在、Toiyama Adventure Guildで冒険者として働いており、将来は一流の冒険者になることを目標としている。
Alice found her in the forest after a pouring rain, took her home and named her Eve. Eve excels in healing magic, fights with a bow and arrows, and accompanies Alice on her adventures. She does not remember her origin and sometimes wonders where her family is…
土砂降りの雨の後、Aliceは森で彼女を見つけ、家に連れて帰り、Eveと名付ける。 Eveは癒しの魔法を得意とし、弓矢を使い、Aliceの冒険に同行する。 彼女は自分の出自を覚えておらず、ときどき自分の家族がどこにいるのか不思議に思う…